½的ýëŧï (¼的我 ¼的你)??. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . online | hits . . .
我不是我,我只是很我的我; 你认识我,但你不认识很我的我; 你了解我,但你不了解很我的我.

When i become we, when mine become ours...
After all, it is a whole new life now
-- yeti 18 of Oct'07 --

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Climb Dance

Climb Dance: Peugeot 405 T16 on Pikes Peak

I found this interesting clips from the paultan.org
and i decided to put it here.

Have you heard of Climb Dance? Climb Dance is an award-winning short film of about 5 minutes that documents Ari Vatanen's record-breaking run at the 1988 annual Pike's Peak Hill Climb Event in Colorado. The car used is a Peugeot 405 T16 with four-wheel-drive and four-wheel-steering. Footage from the video was recorded from cameras placed inside, in front, underneath and above the car, and cut together by Louis Mourey.

Click to play if u like car with vRoooms...
