back to PJ... its FYP time... waiting for PT job to get started ... 24/10/07
Livin'DEATH - - YeTi - -

½的ýëŧï (¼的我 ¼的你)??. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . online | hits . . .
我不是我,我只是很我的我; 你认识我,但你不认识很我的我; 你了解我,但你不了解很我的我.

When i become we, when mine become ours...
After all, it is a whole new life now
-- yeti 18 of Oct'07 --

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


前阵子,电脑中了毒,之前又乱乱install了FlyekiteOsX,搞到电脑写不到华语字,也开不到ACDsee. 不过刚才reformat这颗电脑后~终于,我又可以用中文打字了。

过去一个月,我都没法睡得很好,赶Assg的日子,拼读书的日子,考试的日子,回槟城找Bi庆祝生日... ... 都迫使我停下脚步停止update post,看到想写的东西,最多也只是随便打个主题,保留当天日期再写个place reserve就这样publish上去了。回想过去一个月来,几乎天天都忙到想好好躺下睡个自然醒的觉都难,在考完试后,又和班同学到波德申玩,到昨天才回到宿舍并好好的睡一觉,今天的我,过得好‘懒’。懒归懒,该做的东西还得做的。

Backup我要的data进external harddisk后,就鸡手鸡脚的reformat我的harddisk啦,install好Window,再从YongHwa(roomate)的share file 'kiap' 了一些application software后,现在终于可以把方块字一个一个得给敲出来。Fhhur.... 终于有种完成了今天的task的感觉。

我今天就在19"荧幕前过了整天吗? eR...并没有咧...

下午3点时,天色转暗,突然发现还没问要重拿econ的事还没问Office,就匆匆忙忙的冲个凉后,冒着被雨淋的可能性‘跑’到Faculty Office 去问下个Sem想重考的事。Faculty Office的人又好像觉得我是个‘乞丐’一样,对我要理不理的。话也说得不清不楚,小姐们啊,我也只不过想代表朋友们‘问’一下下个sem有没有那个subj 哦offer而已嘛,何必给我哪种像‘猫粪’那样臭的脸色看啊? 喂,repeat不用钱的吗?现在要贴钱耶,而且不是1块,两块哪种。整700大元咧,而且还好声好气‘问’哦!哎... 好无奈...

算了,最多嘛不拿?又不是fail econ啦。TMD.


差不多了。Mr Chow在等我呢... ...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

my first COD

place reserve... will be update in very soon ~!!!!!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

ATP3 + Va912b = ?

= Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


ATP3 + Va912b 等于的不只是照片而已,



Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin is death...

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dies in freak accident

he was killed just after 11 am on Monday (04SEPT06).

Steve Irwin, 44, the conservationist whose boyish enthusiasm for wildlife made him a popular television personality around the world, was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland state, when he swam too close to one of the animals, which have a long, poisonous barb on their tails. Experts say it's difficult to be spiked by a ray and that being spiked is rarely fatal. But the barb appeared to have pierced Irwin under his ribcage entering directly into his heart.

as u can see... everyone is 'turtling'


Monday, September 04, 2006

PIXMA iP1600

more updation about PIXMA iP1600 in future...
place reserved.


The Master is passed away...

Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Maha Thera, Founder, Spirtual Director and General Advisor of Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia, passed away peacfully on 31st. August 2006 at 12.42 pm. May He attain Nibbana.'

More news in

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