The birth of a man is the birth of sorrow. The longer he lives the more stupid he becomes. What bitterness. He lives for what is always out of reach. His thirst for survival in the future makes him incapable of living in the present.
~by 庄子.
在这世界上, 有生就有死, 有聚就有散,
凡事都有起伏,凡事都有尽头. 你说,对吗?
几天前因功课的需要,和group mate 去访问了一位大师,事后还拿了他编写的一本书回家。刚才翻了一下,觉得大师所写的东西蛮值得思考的。想了一想,也觉得大师在访问时所说的,因果,也蛮可信一下(我只说一下罢了har)的。
我... ... 还不信!!!
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